Friday, March 26, 2010

Thing #10

I've been trying to import my avatar from Meez, but this computer seems to be from the Pleistocene era -- it's been 15 min. since I started the download and it's not happening -- aargggghhhh!

Thanks to Noel, here it is . . .

Meez 3D avatar avatars games


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thing #9

Well, I've explored Merlin (which I like), although the link to avatars and gaming seems to be dead. Also, since my computer is soooooo slow, it makes it very frustrating to try and do these assignments within the recommended 45 minutes. And without an updated Adobe Flash Player 10 I wasn't able to view some interesting content (preview of Jamie Oliver in Huntington, WV.) I did enjoy, and will probably use it occasionally, but as I stated in post #8, I much prefer to go directly to a website than through a feed.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thing #8

OK, I've spent waaaay too much time on this assignment: started over a week ago, got seriously sidetracked by RIFs/furloughs/budget slashing, and now I'm trying to finish this assignment. One reason this took longer is that some of the instructional links were dead, and I had to have a colleague (thanks, NB!) explain some of the finer points. Bottom line: I like visiting websites to get my news, so I'm probably not going to use this feature. I tried reading my news feeds through bloglines, and I miss the layout of the actual websites. So now that I'm done with this assignment, I'm finally ready to move on to the next one!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thing #7

I really enjoy reading other blogs on topics that interest me -- especially travel, and of course food! One of my favorite blogs is by Clotilde Dusoulier; in addition to writing a mouth-watering blog (how can it not be, with chocolate in the title?), Clotilde has authored two books that may be in your local public library: Chocolate and Zucchini, and Clotilde's Edible Adventures in Paris. Grab a glass of wine, some dark chocolate, and check out the wonderful recipes on her blog. Oh, and don't forget to browse her recommended book list.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thing #6

I've just checked out mashups, web apps, and flickr tools. Trippermap is a mashup that lets you combine your flickr photos with Google Earth mapping so you can locate your photos geographically. Now to zoom in on some of my favorite foodie photos . . .


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thing #5

There's a luscious photo I found on Flickr for assignment #5. The photo is by Max Nunziata and is a shot from the Italian store Eataly (no longer available only in Italy -- Mario Batali and Joseph Bastianich are opening a store in NYC; not sure if it opened yet). Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to download it, possibly due to restrictions on the photo. However, if you want to see this mouthwatering photo, go to Flickr and search for "il pesce crudo di Eataly" and it should come up.
Make sure you click on the photo to enlarge it; the colors will explode on the page.

Ciao, and buon appetito!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thing #3 and Thing #4

Well, on to the next Thing, which was the creation of this blog and registering it with Kate. I'm actually looking forward to posting my comments, thoughts, etc.


Thing #1 and Thing #2

Okay, this is the start of my 23 Things blog. I've already read about the program, and it will be a good way for me to learn about other technologies that I normally wouldn't make time for.
